About YYSL
YYSL exists to provide an affordable, quality soccer experience for young athletes in York, Pennsylvania.
In partnership with families and community members, our players learn the fundamentals of soccer, develop individual skills, and understand the value of teamwork.
The league is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by volunteers.
YYSL is always looking for individuals who are interested in joining the organization. Together, we can continue to offer a fun and beneficial recreational soccer program to the families in our community.
Contact the League President if you are interested in volunteering.
Nondiscrimination Policy
It is the policy of YYSL not to discriminate based on race, creed, ancestry, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, veteran’s status, political service or affiliation, religion, or national origin.
Incident Report
YYSL is committed to providing a positive and safe environment for players and families. If you witnessed an incident or injury at a practice or game (before, after or during the event), complete this form so that League personnel can follow up and make any necessary adjustments within the organization.
Board Members

Benjamin Michael

Shaylee Malek

Allison Schiding

Tim Bietsch

Rainbow Moreland

Bill Womer

Colin Schultheis

Larry McGurrin

Jason Warner

Eric Russell

Bill Renninger